Spring Collection Coming Soon and Spring Box Preorders
I’m finally putting together a spring collection this year. Spring is one of my favorite seasons, so I can’t believe it took me so long to add more spring items in the shop. This was initially suppose to start back in 2023, but my health issues were taking a toll on my body and my mental. Now that my health is better, I want to try again with this collection. My first spring item I made was the Faerie Tea, which you can find available now in the shop. Here is the full list I have planned for this spring:
Faerie Tea
Spring Body Oil
Green Mineral Tea
Flower Sugar and/or Flower Honey
Dandelion Salve
Violet Salve
Spring Greens Vinegar/Oxymel
Majority of these items will be ready by March 20, the Spring Equinox. The rest will be released some time during the spring season. We also have a preorder for Spring Boxes available now. These will include:
Faerie Tea
Spring Body Oil
Elder Flower Honey
Spring Greens Vinegar
Spring Blessings Spell Jar
Spring Art Print
You can find more details about these items in the preorder listing for this box, in the shop. There is a limited amount available now, so get them while you can.
I’m really excited about this new collection, and you can find more updates about this on my Instagram page @ashantisgarden. While you wait, be sure to check out my current sale. Everything available in the shop, excluding the Spring Boxes, is 20% off until March 20. Use code CLEAN20 at checkout to claim the discount. This will be the last time to purchase these items at their current prices, because the prices of each item will be increasing after the sale ends. The look and ingredients for certain products will also be changing for the better. If you are interested, I also have other ways to support me and my business. You can go to the “other links” tab for my tip jar, my Depop page, and my patreon for my art. Thank you for being here. I really appreciate you.💚